RareLook™ for patients, parents, and caregivers


Creating RareLook™, the layman’s terms version of RareMDx, was motivated by the valuable insights of patients, parents, and caregivers regarding undiagnosed medical conditions. This version is designed specifically for non-medical individuals and is written in plain language, ensuring accessibility and ease of understanding.


What is RareLook™?Who is RareLook™ for?Benefits of RareLook™Contents of RareLook™How to use RareLook™Access RareLook™
Doctor's hand holding a stethoscope and a mask

Who is RareLook™ for?


RareLook™ is designed for patients, parents, caregivers, and the general public, providing easily understandable information about undiagnosed medical conditions. To create an account, simply visit the RareLook page and complete the sign-up form. Best of all, the use of RareLook™ is completely free of charge.

The benefits of RareLook™

RareLook™ offers a focused and curated database specifically tailored to rare diseases, ensuring users access accurate and relevant information. In contrast, symptom checker search engines aka 'Dr. Google' provide generalized information that may not be specific to rare diseases.

  • 4043

    Rare Diseases in our database

  • 7693

    Signs & Symptoms

  • 45

    Rare Disease Centres of Excellence

  • 2061

    Rare disease organizations

Per predicted rare disease RareLook provides the following information.

  • Rare disease name and synonyms.
  • Rare disease description.
  • Predicted disease related typical signs and symptoms that were not previously selected.
  • Directed web access to 45 Rare Disease Centers of Excellence. These Centers of Excellence have multidisciplinary teams of clinical experts.
  • RareMDx™ provides directed web access to 45 rare disease centers of excellence and > 2000 Rare disease specific/advocacy organizations in over 100 countries.

How to use RareLook™

Create an account.

RareLook™ is created for patients, parents, caregivers and the general public. To create an account, please click here and fill out the sign-up form. Signing up to use RareLook™ is completely free.


RareLook™ is accesible in almost all countries worldwide and currently compatible with the use of laptop and desktop computers only. We recommend using Google Chrome as the preferred browser for optimal performance.


Initial search for signs & symptoms.

Once you are logged in, you have full access to RareLook.


Here, you can enter signs, symptoms, and keywords. Please select only those that exactly describe the signs and symptoms a patient presents with. If in doubt, do not select! Take your time to search for other keywords.

Select a minimum of four signs and symptoms and click on the ‘Search Diseases‘ button. This will activate the probability algorithm and result in a list of suspected diagnoses of up to ten rare diseases.

Secondary search to refine your search results.

To refine your initial search, please hover over the name of a predicted disease. That will prompt two labels titled ‘More Symptoms’ and ‘Disease Info’.


When you click on ‘More Symptoms,’ the pop-up will show you a list of predicted disease-specific signs and symptoms that were not selected. These new clinical features can be selected then and there. After the secondary selection is completed, click on ‘Search Disease.’ One can repeat this process for all predicted diseases. The more signs and symptoms selected, the higher the validity of the suspected diagnosis.

Disease information for each predicted rare disease.

When you hover over the name of a predicted disease and click on ‘Disease Info,’ RareLook™ provides the following information per disease:


Disease name synonym(s), disease description, synopsis, signs and symptoms that were not previously selected per predicted diseases, directed web access to 45 rare disease centers of excellence and web access to >2000 rare disease advocacy organization.


Many of these organizations have a Medical and Scientific Advisory Board of which most often clinical experts are members. That provides an opportunity for your treating physicians to consult with local, regional, or national clinical experts.






Subscribe to RareLook™ for free and start the journey to finding more information about an undiagnosed medical condition.

Patients, parents, and caregivers have free access to RareLook™. If your initial use of RareLook™ and the subsequent use of RareMDx™ by your treating physician result if a confirmed diagnosis we would appreciate you to consider sharing this news with us.


Team up with your treating physician.

Why the "Letter To Treating Physician"?

Once you’ve started using RareLook™, you may want to share the information you’ve discovered with your treating physician.


The ‘Letter to Treating Physician’ consolidates all your selected signs, symptoms, and predicted diseases. Share this letter with your physician so they can complement your findings with data from your medical records.


To obtain the Letter to Treating Physician, click on the sign titled ‘Letter to Treating Physician’ above the list of predicted diseases. Share this letter with your physician, who can then redeem the code included in the letter to obtain FREE access to RareMDx™ for 6 months, complementing your search results with additional data from your medical records.